School is the best learning space, an egalitarian ecosystem and very humane. We will need the support of all stakeholders - teachers, students, community and management - the pandemic has today virtually destroyed the social fabric. We keep talking of social distancing, this threatens the spirit of a school, as a good school works for the personal and social development of an individual. Relationships will never be the same again, and for us, at school, we have an arduous task ahead. #SchoolsCanChange --- Support this podcast:
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The best podcast for schools and schooling, the students and interns of My Good School produce podcasts with élan. Listen to heartwarming stories and feel their passion for education #JoyOfLearning #MyGoodSchool #HappyTeachers. Connect with us if you wish to participate or use our content for distribution. © Learning Forward India Foundation.
The best podcast for schools and schooling, the students and interns of My Good School produce podcasts with élan. Listen to heartwarming stories and feel their passion for education #JoyOfLearning #MyGoodSchool #HappyTeachers. Connect with us if you wish to participate or use our content for distribution. © Learning Forward India Foundation.Listen on
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